DB Cooper & Jesse Pups at 9+ Weeks Old (35 images)
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This is the water experience week! Also the week that 4 of these guys
went to their new homes! And what great homes they are!!!
Here they are taking a nap
Joy picked up a swimming pool at the store and here are their first
water experience photos.
These are the three that we still have and this was just
so cute. They are now called Thumper (female), Bond, James Bond (male),
and Big White (male).
Look closely and you can see them headed across the pasture!
We really didn't expect them to get into the horse trough! But once
they have been to the beach....
New owners coming to pick up their pup.
Going Hunting!
David sent this of his new pup, Scout!
And Mona and Brent sent these. They are of Elwood.
On the way home:
At home:
Walking on a leash:
Getting spoiled:
Pure love!
And this is from Penny's new family: